Employees Computational Virology

Employees Computational Virology

Prof. Lauber, Chris
Group Leader


Chris Lauber heads the research group Computational Virology at TWINCORE. He completed his…

Böker, Nicolai
PhD student


Nicolai Böker completed his bachelor's degree in business informatics at Hanover University of…

Chong, Li Chuin
PhD student


Li Chuin Chong completed her bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in biomedical sciences from the University…

Nurhassen, Isra
PhD student


Isra Nurhassen ist Doktorandin in der Forschungsgruppe Computergestützte Virologie am TWINCORE. Sie…

Ruff, Sergej Ruff, Sergej
Bachelor/Master student

+49 (0)511 - 220027-223