Experimental Virology

Viruses are tiny vehicles that transport biological information to reprogram the functions of human, animal, or plant cells in order to replicate. So-called "enveloped" viruses consist of only one layer of proteins, are filled with genetic material, and are surrounded by a thin shell of lipids in which viral proteins are embedded. Even though viruses are tiny and have a simple build, viral pathogens such as the hepatitis C virus (HCV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 have the potential to threaten the health of millions of people.
Here at the Institute for Experimental Virology, we focus on fundamental and translational RNA virus research. Our research groups combine the expertise of molecular and cell biological approaches with computational methods to help elucidate viral replication mechanisms to develop new therapeutic and preventive strategies.

Our research groups and their research foci:
  • Pietschmann Lab – RG “Experimental Virology” – hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D Virus (HDV), Respiratory Sycytial Virus (RSV), Pandemic Preparedness (SARS-CoV2, Hantavirus a.m.m.)
  • Behrendt Lab – RG „Translational Virology“– hepatitis E virus (HEV)
  • Lauber Lab – RG “Computaional Virology” - genetic determinants for severe RSV infection; Identification and characterization of novel viruses and the human virome. 

Prof. Dr. Thomas Pietschmann is a member of the RESIST cluster of excellence

In the video he explains his research focus in RESIST

This video was provided by the RESIST cluster of excellence.

Further information about Thomas Pietschmann in RESIST can be found here.



New hope in the fight against RSV

TWINCORE researchers discover promising drug candidate


Bacterial weapons against viral diseases

Discovery of two novel classes of natural products with activity against RNA viruses


Volkswagen Stiftung funds research on antiviral agents

Team led by TWINCORE virologist Pietschmann receives around 700,000 euros for RSV project


Hard to break down

Hepatitis E virus defies alcohol-based hand disinfectants.

Joint press release by TWINCORE, Hannover Medical School and Ruhr University Bochum

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