Announcement Archive

Announcement Archive

News Archive

New starting point discovered in the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Research team at the TWINCORE and the HZI shows how an enzyme regulates the pathogenicity of a clinically relevant pathogen.

Obituary for Tobias Welte

TWINCORE commemorates member of the Board of Clinical Cooperation Partners

Hijacking in the immune system

HCMV reprograms cellular defence mechanisms

New hope in the fight against RSV

TWINCORE researchers discover promising drug candidate


Cancer drug works against viruses 

TWINCORE researchers describe a mechanism that inhibits virus replication and protects cells from damage. Interestingly, a drug that has already been…

The TWINCORE Corporate Culture

The TWINCORE faculty and management place great value on the identification of all staff with the centre.

Gender Equality Plan of TWINCORE

Here you can view the Gender Equality Plan 2023 of TWINCORE

11th German Diversity Day at TWINCORE

Lively participation in hands-on event

Helmholtz Young Investigator Group for Yannic Bartsch

Immunologist receives 1.5 million euros in funding

Bacterial weapons against viral diseases

Discovery of two novel classes of natural products with activity against RNA viruses