Friesland, Martina



Martina Friesland successfully completed her professional education as technical assistant in Braunschweig in 2007 and worked in a center for human genetics afterwards. From 2008 to 2011 she

was already a member of Prof. Thomas Pietschmann´s group at the Institute of Experimental Virology. After a stay abroad in the research group of Dr. Pablo Gastaminza at the Spanish National

Center for Biotechnology she returned to the institute in 2015. Currently, Martina Friesland investigates the differences of various strain variants of the respiratory syncytial virus and

characterizes their life cycle. Together with junior group leader Dr. Patrick Behrendt she is examining the infectivity and biophysical properties of hepatitis E virus particles from a patient cohort as well as

the susceptibility of HEV to disinfection agents in a cell culture system.
