Chong, Li Chuin

PhD student


Li Chuin Chong completed her bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in biomedical sciences from the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) where she developed a strong interest in viral diversity studies and its applications in vaccine design. Given the vital importance of bioinformatics, particularly sequence-based studies, she then chose to pursue a master's degree (M.Sc.) in bioinformatics at Perdana University (PU), Malaysia. Her M.Sc. project aimed at developing an algorithm to identify the minimal set of a given viral peptidome, utilizing an alignment-free alternative to study viral diversity. This project allowed her to learn Python programming and to gain various analytical skills. Additionally, she worked on a vaccine-informatics and immune-informatics related project during her M.Sc. candidature. Currently, she is a doctoral researcher at TWINCORE. Her Ph.D. project focuses on developing and applying a quantitative, phylogeny-aware spillover risk score across all RNA viruses infecting eukaryotes. This risk score considers the broadness of the host spectrum of a virus (or virus group) and the phylogenetic relationships of viruses and their hosts.
