Announcement Archive

Announcement Archive

News Archive

Gérard Krause joins WHO

Head of the TWINCORE Institute for Infectious Disease Epidemiology takes over a new department at the World Health Organisation in Geneva

New junior research group started at TWINCORE

Yannic Bartsch has been researching "Antiviral Antibody Omics" since January

11th Lower Saxony International Summer Academy at TWINCORE ends

Insight into infection research for participants from 20 nations

Volkswagen Stiftung funds research on antiviral agents

Team led by TWINCORE virologist Pietschmann receives around 700,000 euros for RSV project


How pollen increases susceptibility to virus infection

TWINCORE researchers describe how birch pollen affects immune cells

Cell protection, immunomodulation and virus inhibition by an endogenous substance

Previously unknown effects of citraconic acid described

TWINCORE stands with the "Diversity Charter"

TWINCORE has signed the "Diversity Charter" and is thus committed to respecting the diversity of the workforce in terms of origin, nationality and…

How does an intestinal germ become a pathogen?

Scientists are looking for a connection between bacterial genes and disease severity

TWINCORE stands for tolerance and peace

At TWINCORE, values such as tolerance, peace and a commitment to democracy are the basis for scientists from different nations to be able to work…

Antiviral and anti-inflammatory

Double effect of the body's own signalling molecule itaconic acid described