25.03.2014 "Translating Research into Product Candidates" DZIF - Workshop at TWINCORE

Learn more about how basic research might feed into the discovery and development process and how the pharmaceutical market place may influence the evaluation of projects. Join the Workshop "Translating Research into Product Candidates"


Date: March 25th 2014 from 11.00 am

Location: TWINCORE Lecture Hall


Professors, principle investigators and interested scientists are cordially invited to join the Workshop "Translating research into product candidates". Industry experts and experienced scientists will give background and practical guide information on biopharmaceutical development.


The speakers:

Sabina Heim (Ascenion GmbH)
Thomas Hesterkamp (German Centre for Infection Research)
Mark Brönstrup (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research)
Bernd Eisele (Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH)


More information and an application form you will find <link http: www.dzif.de news_presse veranstaltungen ansicht details events translation_von_der_forschung_zum_produkt external-link-new-window>here at the DZIF homepage. Or you download the programm and application form directly here: